Plasfer took part in the “19TH ANNUAL BIOTECH IN EUROPE FORUM” in Basel from September the 25th to September the 26th at the Congress Center of the Swiss city.
The Forum at its 19th edition is a very important international showcase for companies committed in looking for investments or partnerships in the biotech and life sciences industry.
The event was attended by more than 700 delegates, with more then 100 companies presenting their scientific projects, including thirty innovative startups.
Plasfer has been selected by ICE (The Italian Trade Agency) among the 10 most promising Italian biotech companies that have been invited to present their project to the public.
In the presence of the most famous investors and stakeholders in the life sciences sector from all over the world (mainly from USA, Europe, Switzerland, China, Russia), Plasfer represented by its CEO Marco Malvestiti and two other partners (Prof.Luigi De Marco, scientific advisor and Avv. Giacomo Rimatori, legal affairs and negotiations manager) has attracted the interest of many potential investors.
Plasfer company, in the cell therapy business, currently in the preclinical phase, is raising capital to bring its products to clinical trials.
About Plasfer
Plasfer srl is a pre-clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, based in Umbria (Italy) specialized in the development of a cell-based therapy using platelet concentrate with a proprietary medical technology.
The participation was possible by the financial support of European Union, Regione Umbria and Sviluppumbria spa.
La partecipazione alla 19TH ANNUAL BIOTECH IN EUROPE FORUM BASILEA SVIZZERA 25-26/09/2019 è stata possibile anche grazie ai contributi POR FESR 2014-2020, Az. 3.3.1 – Avviso Pubblico per progetto di internazionalizzazione 2019-20